Friday, September 12, 2014

Depression and the Christian

There comes a time in the Christian walk when depression may arrive at the door, for many it is the ultimate contradict, “How should Godly person deal with sadness?”  For many the concept of being depressed and being a follower of God causes a dilemma, how can faith in the Creator not be enough?  It is quite clear that Christian depression is real but few are really able to talk about it or admit it exists.



We are living in difficult times, the world is changing fast and it seems that we really are really just hanging on. At times we want to get off the highway of life and take a long pause.  What do you do in a world that is moving at a rapid pace and you discover you are not in sync with the speed? We must face the fact that a depressed mood can be very overpowering regardless of your belief in God. Where is God when your world is simply not happy?  There are times when quoting bible verses just do not help.  There are millions of believers who are suffering inside with loneliness, sadness and a very powerful depression, at these dark times we need more.  Are the kids stressing you out, is the lack of a good mate making you feel like you are doing this walk alone? Christian Depression is very real.


A Loneliness not spoken of very often


There are many believers who are lonely, it is very possible to attend church and be completely lonely, and this is often the case in large congregations. In smaller congregations it is also possible to have friends who simply do not that a person is depressed or lonely.


When did the believer lose the right to be depressed, lonely or sad? Why are we not allowed to express our fears, failures and doubts? Too many believers are forced to play church, to be perfectly honest; we fake it. For too many of us the face that we wear at church does not reveal what is really going on inside of us.



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